Grade 8 & 9 academic programme
Tutoring Westlake teens at Reddam

We had a busy second half of the year, with much to be thankful for! Grade 8 and 9 tutoring continues with each grade having 2 sessions per week in Reddam’s classrooms. Our Grade 9’s started working on the Siyavula Maths and Science programme which is a locally designed online textbook and practice website. The grade 8’s worked on OLICO maths at one of their sessions. The second session of the week for Grade 8 and 9 learners was devoted to developing language skills in English and Afrikaans. Thanks to funding from Old Mutual and Naspers we were able to give out language handbooks and workbooks to all the learners. Parent meetings were also a new addition to our programme this year Parents are critical stakeholders in the programme and it has been lovely to meet them in person.
Grade 7 Programme
Maths at WUCT computer lab We continued the Grade 7 programme in Term 3 & 4 and Ronald and a team of tutors facilitated Tuesday maths skills at Westlake Community Centre in the computer lab. On Wednesdays language and life skills sessions took place at Westlake Primary. It was great to work with this group of Grade 7’s as they enthusiastically engaged with the learning material and formed connections with the tutors.
Grade 7 graduation at Westlake Primary

It was an honour to be invited to the Grade 7’s graduation on the 9th of December at Westlake Primary school, and to award special prizes to the top 3 learners and stationery packs to all 114 students graduating from primary school. A fundraising run(10K for 10K) organised by Ronald to raise the money for stationery, was a great success, as we were also able to supply stationery packs to all our Grade 8 and 9 learners for 2023.
Sports programme

In Term 3 and 4 the Netball and Soccer programme started to gain momentum. Training took place on Thursdays after tutoring, for Grade 8 and 9 learners. Reddam have kindly given us the use their facilities for this purpose. Our tutors who are passionate about these sports rolled up their sleeves and got the learners to do fitness and skills training. The boys played 3 matches in the second half of the term and many attended the Ambassadors Soccer camp in the October School holidays. There has been a good spirit and purpose in these sports practices and we are thrilled to see this part of Future Sparks growing. Donations of Netballs and bibs as well as soccer boots and soccer kit have made their experience even better.
Future Sparks Tutors

We couldn’t do Future Sparks without the amazing group of tutors we have, they have built relationships with the learners and, given lots of encouragement, coached sport, attended training sessions and been awesome! Thank you to Phelo Magadla our tutor co-ordinator for putting her heart and soul into inspiring our tutors. Outliers have provided tutor training sessions this year, which has helped with team building and skills training. We enjoyed an end of year dinner to celebrate these amazing tutors.
Day trips
Robben Island Trip

In Term 3 the Gr 9’s went on an outing to Robben Island, the boat trip itself was an adventure, with a few of learners feeling a bit sea sick. The tour of the prison was very interesting and there were some moments for reflection on our country’s past as we stood in the cells of those who had been incarcerated.
Aquarium outing

The Grade 8’s had a trip to the Two Oceans Aquarium, which was an eye-opening experience and a first for all the learners. We are so grateful to Reddam Constantia for continuing to provide transport for these outings, which enrich our programme.
During the year, some deserving learners were able to receive cell phones thanks to funding grants from Naspers and Old Mutual. This makes a significant impact on a learner’s life, as they are able to access online educational apps which we use in our sessions as well as being connected to their peers and programme managers through our WhatsApp groups.
End of year event at CHS Life Centre
At the end of the 4th term, Future Sparks arranged a combined event at the new Life Centre building, for all Grade 8 & 9 learners, we had games, dance-offs and good food All the learners were given a stationery pack and we ended the term on a high note!
